Dao Xiang Professor 国家“杰出青年” (2019 年)
  • Institute of Laser Plasma Physics
  • 超快电子衍射与超快电子透镜,超快科学,加速器物理,自由电子激光
  • Room 305, No. 2 Science Building
  • dxiang@sjtu.edu.cn


1999 - 2003 ,清华大学工程物理系,本科

2003 - 2008 ,清华大学工程物理系,博士 (导师:林郁正 教授)

2008 - 2010 ,斯坦福直线加速器中心(现SLAC国家加速器实验室),助理研究员(Research Associate)

2010 - 2013 ,斯坦福直线加速器中心(现SLAC国家加速器实验室),研究员 (Staff Scientist)

2014 - 至今,beat365官方网站物理与天文系,教授

2020 - 至今,beat365官方网站张江高等研究院执行经理




  1. 负责人,SLAC LDRD项目“EEHG at NLCTA”,2009 - 2010,80万美元

  2. 首席科学家,美国能源部加速器与探测器R&D项目“Echo-7”,2009 - 2012,480万美元

  3. 首席科学家,美国能源部加速器与探测器R&D项目“Echo-75”,2012 - 2015,320万美元

  4. 负责人,美国能源部早期生涯奖基金“下一代自由电子激光关键技术”,2012 - 2016, 250万美元(已于2014年将剩余的170万美元退还给美国能源部全职回国)

  5. 负责人,自然科学基金委国家重大科研仪器研制项目“原子尺度超高时空分辨兆伏特电子衍射与成像系统”,2014 - 2018,8500万人民币

  6. 首席科学家,科技部青年973课题“基于逆康普顿散射的高增益超快x光源若干前沿问题研究”,2015-2019,500万人民币

  7. 负责人,自然科学基金委国家杰出青年科学基金项目“基于加速器的超快科学装置物理及关键技术”,2020 - 2024,400万人民币


  1. Y. Cheng, A. Zong, ..., D. Xiang* and J. Zhang*Light-induced dimension crossover dictated by excitonic correlationsNature Communications, 13, 963  (2022).

  2. J. Wu, M. Tang, ..., D. Xiang* and J. Zhang*Ultrafast atomic view of laser-induced melting and breathing motion of metallic liquid clusters with MeV ultrafast electron diffractionPNAS, 119, e2111949119  (2022).

  3. H. Tang, L. Zhao, ..., D. Xiang* and J. Zhang*Stable and Scalable Multistage Terahertz-Driven Particle AcceleratorPhysical Review Letters, 127, 074801  (2021).

  4. S. Duan, Y. Cheng, ..., D. Xiang*, J. Zhang and W. Zhang*Optical manipulation of electronic dimensionality in a quantum materialNature 595, 239 (2021). 

  5. F. Qi, Z. Ma, L. Zhao, ..., W. Wan, D. Xiang* and J. Zhang, Breaking 50 femtosecond resolution barrier in MeV ultrafast electron diffraction with a double bend achromat compressorPhysical Review Letters, 124, 134803  (2020).

  6. L. Zhao, H. Tang, C. Lu, ..., D. Xiang* and J. Zhang*Femtosecond Relativistic Electron Beam with Reduced Timing Jitter from THz Driven Beam CompressionPhysical Review Letters, 124, 054802  (2020). (Editors' Suggestion and Featured in Physics)

  7. L. Zhao, Z. Wang, H. Tang, ..., D. Xiang* and J. Zhang*Terahertz Oscilloscope for Recording Time Information of Ultrashort Electron BeamsPhysical Review Letters, 122, 144801  (2019). (Editors' Suggestion and Featured in Physics)

  8. L. Zhao, Z. Wang, C. Lu, ..., D. Xiang* and J. Zhang*Terahertz Streaking of Few-Femtosecond Relativistic Electron BeamsPhysical Review X, 8, 021061  (2018).

  9. C. Lu, T. Jiang, S. Liu, R. Wang, L. Zhao, P. Zhu, D. Xiang* and J. Zhang, Coulomb-Driven Relativistic Electron Beam CompressionPhysical Review Letters, 120, 044801  (2018). (Editors' Suggestion and Featured in Physics)

  10. E. Hemsing*, M. Dunning, B. Garcia, C. Hast, T. Raubenheimer, G. Stupakov and D. Xiang*Echo-enabled harmonics up to the 75th order from precisely tailored electron beams, Nature Photonics 10, 512 (2016)

  11. F. Fu, R. Wang, P. Zhu, ..., D. Xiang* and J. Zhang*Demonstration of nonliear-energy-spread compensation in relativisitc electron bunches with corrugated structures, Physical Review Letters, 114, 114801 (2015)

  12. E. Hemsing*, G. Stupakov*, D. Xiang* and A. Zholents*, Beam by design: laser manipulation of electrons in modern accelerators, Reviews of Modern Physics, 86, 897 (2014)

  1. 2008年清华大学优秀博士毕业生

  2. 2012年美国能源部青年科学家奖(US DOE Early Career Award,5年250万美元科研经费)

                     SLAC Today 对该奖项的相关报道见 https://www6.slac.stanford.edu/news/2012-05-10-slac-scientists-win-prestigious-doe-early-career-research.aspx

  3. 2013年国际自由电子激光青年科学家奖(Young Investigator Free-Electron Laser Prize)

                     SLAC Today 对该奖项的相关报道见 http://www6.slac.stanford.edu/news/2013-09-10-SLAC-Physicist-Receives-Free-electron-Laser-Award.aspx

  4. 2016年高等学校科学研究青年科学奖(教育部青年科学奖)

  5. 2020年美国物理学会会士(APS Fellow)


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