Wenchao Yan Associate Professor
  • Institute of Laser Plasma Physics
  • 激光等离子体相互作用、高能量密度物理
  • 021-34204491
  • Room 529, No. 2 Science Building
  • wenchaoyan@sjtu.edu.cn
  • https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=9IL3WtEAAAAJ&hl=en&authuser=1

闫文超,beat365官方网站长聘教轨副教授、博士生导师。入选国家级青年人才,上海市人才。主要从事超快超强激光驱动的等离子体电子加速及辐射研究。发表SCI论文40余篇,包括Nat. Photonics(封面), PNAS、Phys. Rev. Lett.等重要文章,其中ESI 被高引用论文1篇。在国际学术会议中做大会报告、特邀报告共十余次,如在两年一届的全球激光等离子体加速器大会中做大会报告。主要成果曾入选2014年“中国光学十大进展”。曾获得ELI建设特别奖,中科院物理所所长奖等。研究成果已应用在怀柔综合极端条件SECUF、李政道研究所等国家重大科技设施中。

闫文超于2009至2014年在中国科学院物理研究所攻读博士学位,师从张杰院士、陈黎明研究员,主要从事激光等离子体尾波场电子加速的相关研究,期间在美国劳伦斯·利弗莫尔国家实验室、中科院物理所、beat365官方网站等实验室开展多项实验工作,取得了突出学术成绩。博士毕业后加入由D. Umstadter教授领导的美国内布拉斯加大学强光实验室,期间完成多项研究,如验证了高阶非线性汤姆逊散射、验证了双尾波场相互作用等。2018年初加入欧盟重大科研项目极端强光基础设施(ELI-BeamLines),获得固定职位并于一年后破格升职为ELI-BeamLines最年轻的Senior Researcher,期间入选由本领域先驱科学家Bulanov教授领导的优秀研究团队(ERT),负责设计和建设10PW激光加速和辐射源实验平台。

  1. Wenchao Yan, Colton Fruhling, et al. "High-order multiphoton Thomson scattering" Nature Photonics 11, 514 (2017)

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             Altmetric score: 295, (Ranked 11 in history of Nat. Phot.)

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  2. Wenchao Yan, L. M. Chen, D. Z. Li, et al., Concurrence of monoenergetic electron beams and X-rays from an evolving laser-plasma bubble. PNAS 111 (16), 5825 (2014)

  3. Grigory Golovin, Wenchao Yan, Ji Luo, et al “Injection and acceleration of electrons by the collision of laser-driven plasma wakes” Physical review letters 121, 104801 (2018)

  4. Liao, G. Q., Y. T. Li, …, Wenchao Yan, et al. "Bursts of terahertz radiation from large-scale plasmas irradiated by relativistic picosecond laser pulses." Physical review letters 114, 255001 (2015).

  5. L. M. Chen, Wenchao Yan, D. Z. Li, et al. Bright betatron x-ray radiation from a laser-driven-clustering gas target. Scientific Reports 3, 1912 (2013)

  6. Grigory Golovin, Vojtěch Horný, Wenchao Yan, et al. Generation of ultrafast electron bunch trains via trapping into multiple periods of plasma wakefields Physics of Plasmas 27 (3), 033105 (2020)

  7. Feng Wan, Kun Xue,… Wenchao Yan*, et al. Imprint of the stochastic nature of photon emission by electrons on the proton energy spectra in the laser-plasma interaction Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion61 (8), 084010 (2019)

  8. Jie Feng, Yifei Li,… Wenchao Yan, et al. Gamma-ray emission from wakefield-accelerated electrons wiggling in a laser field. Scientific reports 9 (1), 1-7 (2019)

  9. Changqing Zhu, Jinguang Wang,… Wenchao Yan, et al. Inverse Compton scattering x-ray source from laser electron accelerator in pure nitrogen with 15 TW laser pulses. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 61 (2), 024001 (2018)

  10. Zhao, Baozhen, Sudeep Banerjee, Wenchao Yan, Ping Zhang, Jun Zhang, Grigory Golovin, Cheng Liu et al. "Control over high peak-power laser light and laser-driven X-rays." Optics Communications 412, 141 (2018)






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