Jie Zhang Professor 中国科学院院士 (2003 年)、美国国家科学院外籍院士 (2012年)
  • Institute of Laser Plasma Physics
  • Laser fusion Physics, High energy density physics
  • 021-34204629
  • Room 421, No. 2 Science Building
  • jzhang1@sjtu.edu.cn

Professor Zhang is a prominent scientist for his pioneering contribution in laser-plasma physics and high energy density physics. He was elected Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) in 2003, member of Germany Academy of Sciences Leopoldina in 2007, Fellow of the Third World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) in 2008, Foreign member of Royal Academy of Engineering (FREng) in 2011 and foreign associate of American National Academy of Sciences (NAS) in 2012. In 2015, he was awarded,by the American Nuclear Society, the Edward Teller Medal, which represents the most important recognition in the field of laser fusion physics and high energy density physics in the world.

He received Ph.D. degree in 1988 from the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). From 1989 to 1998, he first worked at Max-Planck-Institute for Quantenoptik in Germany, then the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory and Oxford University in the UK.  He became the deputy Director of the Institute of Physics, CAS in 1999 and then Director General of the Bureau of Basic Sciences, CAS in 2003. In 2006, he was appointed as the 39th President of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. In 2017, he was appointed as the associate President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is now the President of the Chinese Physical Society.

He works on laser plasma physics and high energy density physics. He has made outstanding contributions to development of soft X-ray lasers, generation and propagation of hot electrons in laser plasmas in connection with inertial confinement fusion (ICF), and lab simulation of astrophysical processes with laser-produced plasmas. By clever design to enhance pumping efficiency, he and his collaborators demonstrated saturation of soft-X-ray laser output at wavelength close to the water window. He discovered through theory and experiment that highly directional, controllable, fast electron beams can be generated from intense laser plasmas in liquids and solids. Such electron beams are useful for ultrafast electron microscopic studies and other potential applications. Understanding of how hot electrons are generated and propagated in laser plasmas and how the resulting electron beams emit from a target surface and carry away laser excitation energy is also important for understanding of the fast ignition process in ICF. Zhang is one of the Chinese pioneers on simulating astrophysical processes by laser plasmas in labs. He and his Japanese and Korean collaborators used high-energy laser pulses to successfully create conditions resembling the vicinity of the black hole and model the loop-top X-ray source and reconnection overflow in solar flares. Since 2001, he has published 180 papers in international scientific journals.

His service to the professional community is truly outstanding and unusually distinguished. He served as the President of Association of Asia Pacific Physical Societies (AAPPS) in the period of 2008-2010. He is a member of University Grant Committee (UGC) of Hong Kong, member of Foreign Evaluation Panel of National Research Foundation (NRF) of Singapore, international advisory member of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH) of Germany.

Because of his academic achievements and professional services, Professor Zhang was elected the Foreign Associate of National Academy of Sciences (NAS) in 2012, the Foreign Member of Royal Academy of Engineering (FREng) in 2011, the Fellow of Third World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) in 2008, the member of the German Academy of Sciences Neopoldina in 2007, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2003. His research achievements was recognized by the American Nuclear Society with the Edward Teller Medal in 2015; by the TWAS with the 2007 TWAS Prize in Physics; by the Chinese State Council with the State Natural Sciences Prize in 2006; by the Hong Kong Ho-Leung-Ho-Lee Foundation with the award of the Science and Technology Progress Award in 2006; by the Overseas Chinese Physical Society (USA) with the 2004 Achievement in Asia Award; by the Chinese Physical Society with the 2003 CPS Rao Yutai Award in Physics; by the Chinese Optical Society with the 2002 COS Wang Daheng Award in Optics; by the Hong Kong Qiushi Foundation with the Qiushi Award for Outstanding Young Scientists in 1999; by the State Council of China with the National Award for Outstanding Young Scientists in 1998.

Research Interests:
(1) High energy density physics
(2) Laser fusion physics
(3) Laboratory astrophysics

  1. “Light-induced dimension crossover dictated by excitonic correlations”,  Y Cheng, A Zong, J Li, W Xia, SF Duan, WX Zhao, YD Li, FF Qi, J Wu, LR Zhao, P.F. Zhu, X Zou, T. Jiang,YF Guo, LX Yang,D. Qian, WT Zhang, A Kogar, MW Zuerch, D Xiang, J Zhang,  

    Nature Commun., 13(1), 963 (2022).

  2. “Experimental Demonstration of Efficient Harmonic Generation via Surface Plasma Compression with Lasers”, BY Li, F Liu, M Chen, FY Wu, JW Wang, L Lu, J L Li, XL Ge, X H Yuan, W C Yan, L M Chen, Z M Sheng and J Zhang

    Phys. Rev. Lett., 128, 244801 (2022).

  3. “Femtosecond Pumping of Nuclear Isomeric States by the Coulomb Collision of Ions with Quivering Electrons”,  J Feng, WZ Wang, CB Fu, LM Chen, JH Tan, YJ Li, JG Wang, YF Li, GQ Zhang, YG Ma and J Zhang,

    Phys. Rev. Lett., 128, 052501(2022).

  4. “Ultrafast isolated molecule imaging without crystallization”,  ZR Ma, X Zou, LR Zhao, FF Qi, T Jiang, PF Zhu, D Xiang, J Zhang,

    PNAS, 119(15), e2122793119 (2022).

  5. “Ultrafast atomic view of laser-induced melting and breathing motion of metallic liquid clusters with MeV ultrafast electron diffraction”,  J Wu, MX Tang, LR Zhao, PF Zhu, T Jiang, X Zou, L Hong, SN Luo, D Xiang, J Zhang,

    PNAS, 119(4), e2111949119 (2022).

  6. “Charge-exchange X-Ray Signature in Laboratory Outflow Interaction with Neutrals”,  GY Liang, HG Wei, DW Yuan, JY Zhong,Z Zhang, C Wang, B Han, W Sun, XX Yuan, ZY Xie, J Xiong, R Hutton, BQ Zhu, JQ Zhu, XL Zhu, W Cui, Y Wu, XW Ma, YT Li, G Zhao, J Zhang,

    Astrophysical Journal, 925(2), 150 (2022).

  7. “Optical manipulation of electronic dimensionality in a quantum material”,  SF Duan, Y Cheng, W Xia, YY Yang, CY Xu, FF Qi, CZ Huang, TW Tang, YF Guo, WD Luo, D Qian, D Xiang, J Zhang, WT Zhang,

    Nature, 595, 239-244 (2021).

  8. “Stable and Scalable Multistage Terahertz-Driven Particle Accelerator”, H Tang, LR Zhao, PF Zhu, X Zou, J Qi, Y Cheng, JQ Qiu, XG Hu, W Song, D Xiang and J Zhang,

    Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 074801 (2021).

  9. “1.4-mJ High Energy Terahertz Radiation from Lithium Niobates”, BL Zhang, ZZ Ma, JL Ma, XJ Wu, C Ouyang, DY Kong, TS Hong, X Wang, PD Yang, LM Chen, YT Li, J Zhang

    Laser & Photonics Reviews15(3), 2000295 (2021).

  10. “Towards Terawatt-Scale Spectrally Tunable Terahertz Pulses via Relativistic Laser-Foil Interactions”, GQ Liao, H Liu, GG Scott; YH Zhang, BJ Zhu, Z Zhang, YT Li, C Armstrong, E Zemaityte, P Bradford, DR Rusby, D Neely, PG Huggard, P McKenna, GM Brenner, NC Woolsey, WM Wang, ZM Sheng, J Zhang

    Physical Review X10(3), 031062 (2020).

  11. “Extremely brilliant GeV gamma-rays from a two-stage laser-plasma accelerator”, XL Zhu, M Chen, SM Weng, TP Yu, WM Wang, F He, ZM Sheng, P McKenna, DA Jaroszynski, J Zhang,

    Science Advances, 6(22), eaaz7240 (2020).

  12. “Efficient generation of relativistic near-single-cycle mid-infrared pulses in plasmas”, XL Zhu, SM Weng, M Chen, ZM Sheng, J Zhang

    Light: Science & Applications9(1), 46 (2020).

  13. “Breaking 50 femtosecond resolution barrier in MeV ultrafast electron diffraction with a double bend achromat compressor”, FF Qi, ZR Ma, LR Zhao, Y Cheng, WX Jiang, C Lu, T Jiang, D Qian, Z Wang, WT Zhang, PF Zhu, X Zou, WS Wan, D Xiang, J Zhang

    Phys. Rev. Lett., 124(13), 134803 (2020).

  14. “Femtosecond Relativistic Electron Beam with Reduced Timing Jitter from THz Driven Beam Compression”, LR Zhao, H Tang, C Lu, T Jiang, PF Zhu, L Hu, W Song, HD Wang, JQ Qiu, CG Jing, S Antipov, D Xiang, J Zhang

    Phys. Rev. Lett.124(5), 054802 (2020).

  15. “Multimillijoule coherent terahertz bursts from picosecond laser-irradiated metal foils”, GQ Liao, YT Li, H Liu, GG Scott, D Neely, J Zhang, BJ Zhu, C Amstrong, E Zemaityte, P Bradford, PG Huggard, DR Rusby, P McKenna, CM Brenner, NC Woolsey, WM Wang, ZM Sheng, 

    PNAS116(10), 3994-3999 (2019).

  16. “Terahertz Oscilloscope for Recording Time Information of Ultrashort Electron Beams”, LR Zhao, Z Wang, H Tang, Y Cheng, C Lu, T Jiang, PF Zhu, L Hu, W Song, HD Wang, JQ Qiu, R Kostin, CG Jiang, S Antipov, P Wang, J Qi, Y Cheng, D Xiang, J Zhang,

    Phys. Rev. Lett.,122, 144801 (2019).

  17. “Manipulation of polarizations for broadband terahertz waves emitted from laser plasma filaments”, ZL Zhang, YP Chen, S Cui, F He, M Chen, Z Zhang, J Yu, LM Chen, ZM Sheng, J Zhang

    Nature Photonics,12 (9), 554 (2018).

  18. “Terahertz Streaking of Few-Femtosecond Relativistic Electron Beams”, LR Zhao, Z Wang, C Lu, R Wang, C Hu, P Wang, J Qi, T Jiang, SG Liu, ZR Ma, FF Qi, PF Zhu, Y Cheng, ZW Shi, YC Shi, W Song, XX Zhu, JR Shi, YX Wang, LX Yan, LG Zhu, D Xiang, J Zhang

    Physical Review X, 8 (2), 082801 (2018).

  19. “Ultrahigh-charge electron beams from laser-irradiated solid surface”,Y Ma, JR Zhao, YF Li, DZ Li, LM Chen, JX Liu, SJD Dann, YY Ma, XH Yang, ZY Ge, ZM Sheng, J Zhang

    PNAS, 115 (27), 6980-6985, (2018).

  20. “Collimated ultrabright gamma rays from electron wiggling along a petawatt laser-irradiated wire in the QED regime”, WM Wang, ZM Sheng, P Gibbon, LM Chen, YT Li, J Zhang

    PNAS, 115 (40), 9911-9916, (2018).

  21. “Coulomb-Driven Relativistic Electron Beam Compression”, C Lu, T Jiang, SJ Liu, R Wang, LR Zhao, PF Zhu, D Xiang, J Zhang, 

    Phys. Rev. Lett., 120 (4), 044801 (2018).

  22. “Multistage Coupling of Laser-Wakefield Accelerators with Curved Plasma Channels”, J Luo, M Chen, WY Wu, SM Weng, ZM Sheng, CB Schroeder, DA Jaroszynski, E Esarey, WP Leemans, WB Mori, J Zhang

    Phys. Rev. Lett., 120 (15), 154801 (2018).

  23. “Laboratory Investigation of Astrophysical Collimated Jets with Intense Lasers”, DW Yuan, YT Li, T Tao, HG Wei, JY Zhong, BJ Zhu, YF Li, JR Zhao, F Li, B Han, Z Zhang, GY Liang, FL Wang, GY Hu, J Zheng, SE Jiang, K Du, YK Ding, SL Zhou, BQ Zhu, JQ Zhu, G Zhao, J Zhang

    Astrophysical Journal, 860 (2), 146 (2018).

  24. “Extreme case of Faraday effect: magnetic splitting of ultrashort laser pulses in plasmas”, SM Weng, Q Zhao, ZM Sheng, W Yu, SX Luan, M Chen, LL Yu, M Murakami, WB Mori, J Zhang,

    Optica, 4 (9), 1086-1091, (2017).

  25. “Plasma optical modulators for intense lasers”, LL Yu, Y Zhao, LJ Qian, M Chen, SM Weng, ZM Sheng, DA Jaroszynski, WB Mori, J Zhang

    Nature Communications, 7, 11893 (2016).

  26. “Controllable Terahertz Radiation from a Linear-Dipole Array Formed by a Two-Color Laser Filament in Air”, ZL Zhang, YP Chen, M Chen, Z Zhang, J Yu, ZM Sheng, J Zhang

    Phys. Rev. Lett., 117(24), 243901 (2016).

  27. “Demonstration of Coherent Terahertz Transition Radiation from Relativistic Laser-Solid Interactions”, GQ Liao, YT Li, YH Zhang, H Liu, XL Ge, S Yang, WQ Wei, XH Yuan, YQ Deng, BJ Zhu, Z Zhang, WM Wang, ZM Sheng, LM Chen, X Lu, JL Ma, X Wang, J Zhang

    Phys. Rev. Lett., 116(20), 205003 (2016).

  28. “Relativistic Electrons Produced by Reconnecting Electric Fields in a Laser-Driven Bench-Top Solar Flare”, JY Zhong, J Lin, YT Li, X Wang, Y Li, K Zhang, DW Yuan, YL Ping, HG Wei, JQ Wang, LN Su, F Li, B Han, GQ Liao, CL Yin, Y Fang, X Yuan, C Wang, JR Sun, GY Liang, FL Wang, YK Ding, XT He, JQ Zhu, ZM Sheng, G Li, G Zhao, J Zhang

    Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 225(2), 30 (2016).

  29. “Tunable synchrotron-like radiation from centimeter scale plasma channels”, M Chen, J Luo, FY Li, F Liu, ZM Sheng, J Zhang

    LightScience&Applications, 5, e16015 (2016).

  30. “Mapping transient electric fields with picosecond electron bunches”, L. Chen, R.Z. Li, J. Chena, P.F. Zhu, F. Liu, J. Cao, Z.M. Sheng, and J. Zhang, 

    PNAS, 112(47), 14479-14483 (2015).

  31. “Demonstration of nonlinear-energy-spread compensation in relativistic electron bunches with corrugated structures”, F Fu, R Wang, P Zhu, L Zhao, T Jiang, C Lu, S Liu, L Shi, L Yan, H Deng, C Feng, Q Gu, D Huang, B Liu, D Wang, X Wang, M Zhang, Z Zhao, G Stupakov, D Xiang, and J Zhang

    Phys. Rev. Lett., 114, 114801 (2015).

  32. “Multichromatic narrow-energy-spread electron bunches from laser-wakefield acceleration with dual-color lasers”, M Zeng, M Chen, LL Yu, WB Mori, ZM Sheng, B Hidding, DA Jaroszynski, and J Zhang,  

    Phys. Rev. Lett., 114, 084801 (2015).

  33. “Bursts of Terahertz radiation from large-scale plasmas irradiated by relativistic picosecond laser pulses”, GQ Liao, YT Li, C Li, LN Su, Y Zheng, M Liu, WM Wang, ZD. Hu, WC Yan, J. Dunn, J. Nilsen, J. Hunter, Y Liu, X Wang, LM Chen, JL Ma, X Lu, Z. Jin, R. Kodama, ZM Sheng and J Zhang

    Phys. Rev. Lett.,114, 255001 (2015).

  34. “Chinese university: reform in three steps”, J Zhang

    Nature, 514, 295 (2014).

  35. “Concurrence of monoenergetic electron beams and bright X-rays from an evolving laser-plasma bubble”, WC Yan, LM Chen, DZ Li, L Zhang, Nasr A. M. Hafz, J. Dunn, Y Ma, K Huang, LN Su, M Chen, ZM Sheng, and J Zhang

    PNAS, 111, 5825 (2014).

  36. “Collimation of energetic electrons from a laser-target interaction by a magnetized target back plasma preformed by a long-pulse laser”, HB Zhuo, ZL Chen, ZM Sheng, M Chen, T Yabuunchi, M Tampo, MY Yu, XH Yang, CT Zhou, KA Tanaka, J Zhang, and R Kodama, 

    Phys. Rev. Lett., 112, 215003 (2014).

  37. "Dense attosecond electron sheets from laser wakefields using an up-ramp density transition", FY Li, ZM Sheng, Y Liu, J Meyer-ter-Vehn, WB Mori, W Lu, and J Zhang

    Phys. Rev. Lett., 110, 135002 (2013).

  38. “Plasmoid ejection and secondary current sheet generation from magnetic reconnection in laser-plasma interaction”, QL Dong , SJ Wang, QM Lu, C Huang, DW Yuan, X Liu, XX Lin, YT Li, HG Wei, JY Zhong, JR Shi, SE Jiang, YK Ding, BB Jiang, K Du, XT He, MY Yu, CS Liu, S Wang, YJ Tang, JQ Zhu, G Zhao, ZM Sheng and J Zhang

    Phys. Rev. Lett., 108, 215001 (2012).

  39. “Modeling loop-top X-ray source and reconnection outflows in solar flares with intense lasers”, JY Zhong, YT Li, XG Wang, JQ Wang, QL Dong, CJ Xiao, SJ Wang,X Liu, L Zhang, L An, FL Wang, Y Gu, XT He, G Zhao and J Zhang

    Nature Physics, 6, 984 (2010).

  40. “Intense high-contrast femtosecond K-shell X-ray source from laser-driven Ar clusters”, LM Chen, F Liu, W M Wang, M Kando, JY Mao, L Zhang, J L Ma, YT Li, SV Bulanov, T Tajima,,Y Kato, ZM Sheng, ZY Wei, and J Zhang, 

    Phys. Rev. Lett.,104, 215004 (2010).

  41. “X-ray astronomy in the laboratory with a miniature compact object produced by laser-driven implosion”, S Fujioka, H Takabe, N Yamamoto, D Salzmann, FL Wang, H Nishimura, YT Li, QT Dong, SJ Wang, Y Zhang, YJ Rhee, YW Lee, JM Han, M Tanabe, T Fujiwara, Y Nakabayashi, G Zhao, J Zhang, K Mima, 

    Nature Physics, 5, 821 (2009).

  42. “Study of X-ray emission enhancement via a high-contrast femtosecond laser interacting with a solid foil”, LM Chen, M. Kando, MH Xu, YT Li, J. Koga, M Chen, H Xu, XH Yuan, QL Dong, ZM Sheng, S.V. Bulanov, Y. Kato, J Zhang and T. Tajima, 

    Phys. Rev. Lett., 100, 045004 (2008).

  43. “Observation of a fast electron beam emitted along the surface of a target irradiated by intense femtosecond laser pulses”, YT Li, XH Yuan, MH Xu, ZY Zheng, ZM Sheng, M Chen, YY Ma, WX Liang, QZ Yu, Y Zhang, F Liu, ZH Wang, ZY Wei, W Zhao, Z Jin, and J Zhang, 

    Phys. Rev. Lett., 96, 165003 (2006).

  44. “Interaction of light filaments generated by femtosecond laser pulses in air”, TT Xi, X Lu, J Zhang

    Phys. Rev. Lett., 96, 025003-4 (2006).

  45. “Experimental synchronization of independent entangled photo sources”, T Yang, Q Zhang, TY Chen, S Lu, J Yin, JW Pan, ZY Wei, JR Tian, J Zhang

    Phys. Rev. Lett., 96, 110501 (2006).

  46. “Emission of Electromagnetic Pulses from Laser Wakefields through Linear Mode Conversion”, ZM Sheng, K Mima, H Sanuki, J Zhang,

    Phys. Rev. Lett., 94,095003-095006 (2005).

  47. “High-energy electrons and x-ray photons emitted by water plasmas produced by femtosecond laser pulses”, YT Li, J Zhang, ZM Sheng, H Teng, TJ Liang, XY Peng, X Lu and XW Tang,

    Phys. Rev. Lett., 90, 1650021-4 (2003).

  48. “Stochastic heating and acceleration of electrons in colliding laser fields in plasmas”,ZM Sheng, K Mima, Y Sentoku, MS Jovanovic, T Taguchi, J Zhang and J Meyer-ter-Vehn, 

    Phys. Rev. Lett., 88, 0550041-4 (2002).

  49. “Effects of laser polarization on jet emission of fast electrons in ultrashort pulse laser-plasmas”, LM Chen, J Zhang, YT Li, H Teng, TJ Liang, ZM Sheng, and XW Tang,

    Phys. Rev. Lett., 87, 225001-4 (2001).

  50. “Angular distribution of fast electrons, ions and Bremsstrahlung X/gamma rays in intense laser interaction with solid targets”,  ZM Sheng, Y Sentoku, K Mima, J Zhang, W Yu and J Meyer-ter-Vehn, 

    Phys. Rev. Lett., 85, 5340-5343 (2000).

  51. “A saturated x-ray laser beam at 7 nm”, J Zhang, AG MacPhee, J Lin, E Wolfrum, R Smith, C Danson, MH Key, CLS Lewis, D Neely, J Nilsen, GJ Pert, GJ Tallents and JS Wark,

    Science, 276, 1097 (1997).

  52. “Demonstration of saturation in a Ni-like Ag x-ray laser at 14 nm”, J Zhang, AG MacPhee, J Nilsen, J Lin, TW Barbee Jr, MH Key, CLS  Lewis, D Neely, RMN O'Rourke, GJ Pert, R Smith, GJ Tallents, JS Wark and E Wolfrum, 

    Phys. Rev. Lett.,78, 3856 (1997).

  53. “Efficient extreme XUV harmonics generated from picosecond laser pulse interactions with solid targets”, P A Norreys, M Zepf, A P Fews, S Moustaizis, J Zhang, P Lee, M Bakarezos, C N Danson, A Dyson, P Gibbon, P Loukakos, D Neely, F N Walsh, J S Wark and A E Dangor, 

    Phys. Rev. Lett., 76, 1832 (1996).

  54. “Demonstration of high gain in a recombination x- ray laser at 18.2 nm driven by a 20 J, 2 ps glass laser”, J Zhang, MH Key, PA Norreys, GJ Tallents, A Behjat, C Danson, A Demir, L Dwivedi, M Holden, PB Holden, CLS Lewis, A G MacPhee, D Neely, GJ Pert, SA Ramsden, S J Rose, YF Shao, O Thomas, F Walsh, YL You, 

    Phys. Rev. Lett.,74, 1335(1995).

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